Learn Achieve Become (L.A.B) - UK registered charity no.1174514

Volunteer In Central America

Central America project dates: 
June - August 2021
*All current dates are dependent on COVID-19 & international travel restrictions*

Length of stay: 
 50 days

Programs Available:
Teaching | Action Sports Coaching

Fundraising Fees:
£650 - Entire Project. 


Volunteering fees... What do you gain? 
We understand that it may seem contradictory to pay for volunteering, but we don't make a profit from you! Your volunteering fees sustain our projects, pay our local staff members and pay for your: 

- Full training and guidance both before and during your project!
- 24/7 in country support!
- Safe & quality accommodation!
- 3 meals per day!
- In-country transport! 
- All project costs! (materials, equipment, etc.)
- Certificate upon completion of project
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