Join us in our mission to support people and communities across the world,
through free education and sports initiatives, from Madagascar to Guatemala and beyond...
We are Learn Achieve Become (L.A.B)
Join us in our mission to support people and communities across the world, through free education and sports initiatives.
Our Story...
Back in 2017, Learn Achieve Become (L.A.B) was merely an idea... Nothing more than the vision of 3 young education & development professionals who wanted to make a genuine difference in the world. After gaining some first-hand experience working & volunteering with international organisations, it soon became clear to us that many of those organisations had corrupt tendencies, which often resulted in ineffective projects, dissatisfied donors & an overall lack of beneficiaries... Knowing that we had the skills to make a genuine change, L.A.B was born later that year.
Now, L.A.B is an established and fully registered UK charity. We remain as a small organisation, with an absolute dedication to improving the quality of life for disadvantaged individuals & communities across the world through free education and sports projects. Our slogan 'education without boundaries' is reflective of our attitude; our services are open and accessible to everyone, regardless of their age, race, gender, religion, ability or social status.
l.A.B media:
One of our goals is to keep our followers and supporters informed about the issues we are addressing globally. By highlighting these issues through regular documentary-style videos, we hope to provide greater transparency about how donations are being used, offer real-time updates on the impact of our work and show the challenges we face, and what we do to overcome them. Our best platform to follow is our Youtube page / @labcharity.
The Sunrise Centre, Nosy Be, Madagascar:
In March 2023, the first education centre for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities on the island of Nosy Be, north-west Madagascar was officially inaugurated.. This project has been in the works for over 5 years, and we are thrilled to be able to support more than 30 individuals on a full-time basis. Our efforts in the Sunrise Centre are geared towards sparking a transformation in how individuals with disabilities are perceived and treated in society, with the ultimate goal of effecting change throughout Madagascar.
Working with us:
No single aspect of our work is achievable without the support of dedicated partner organisations. We work in close partnerships with individuals, businesses, schools and universities, co-creating unique projects to accomplish their objectives.
Support our work:
There are several ways you can choose to aid our continuous global efforts, from joining us on one of our volunteering expeditions to making a single or recurring contribution. When you donate specifically to a project, we guarantee that all of your donation goes directly towards that project, ensuring that your funds are being effectively spent.